Monday, September 29, 2008


There is not a day that goes by that I don't have my I-pod in! I love listing to music! Music is such a wonderful thing! If you are in a bad mood you can put on a song and somehow it makes you feel better. Or if you are sad you can put on a song and it makes you smile. Music is such a great thing! I find myself always going to my I-pod! When I am walking around campus or driving in my car or doing homework or just laying in the hammock!

But the other day something very sad happened to my music world... MY I-POD RAN OUT OF MEMORY... I can no longer listen to new songs. I am always going to I Tunes to get the newest songs, but not anymore. It was a sad day... So this just means that I need to go and buy a new I-Pod that has more memory! (well someday!) But I just want everyone to know how much I love music!!!


Georgi Family said...

That was deep.....very, very deep.

Brianna E. said...

You don't need a new ipod, you just need to erase some songs. Yes, I KNOW there are songs on there that SHOULD be erased!! :)

Natalie and Nathan said...

I totally know how you feel! I am always listening to my ipod too, and mine is out of memory, so now I have to pick and choose what music I want on there til I get a new stinks! oh and where do you get your cute templates?? they are sooo cute!!!