Monday, September 29, 2008


I have always loved to read but I never seem to have the time. Well when I started my English class this semester I knew that I needed something to do during class. My class is soo boring! and my teacher is a piece of work. I have read 5 books in one month! that is a total record for me! During class I read the whole time. My teacher thinks that I am doing my homework, but really I am reading to keep my self going insane! But now I always have to have a book to read. It is very weird! If you like to read you need to read "Escape" its about polygamy. WOW it totally opens your mind about them. "Louder than Words" It is about Jenny McCarthy and her journey having a son with autism and how they cured him. Then "Mother Warriors" it's also by Jenny McCarthy and how she is fighting to get autism noticed by doctors. Those two books make you so grateful for what you have! "Stori Telling" its by Tori Spelling. Yes I know you are all thinking why would I want to read about her. Her story is very instering. ( I read this book because it was on the "New York's Best Sellers" and they always have good books). But enough with the books i've read... I need new ones.. if anyone has a favorite book please tell me so I can go and get it!!


Georgi Family said...

I once read this book and it had like a lot of people in it and one of them was named like mormon or something. But yeah, I think that is a good book.

Brianna E. said...

I'm laughing too hard at Missy's comment to think of my own. :)